
Analysis of Hospital Characteristics Affecting the Choice of Management Strategy Types

In recent years, the Japanese hospital environment has changed significantly. With the current uncertainty, it is important for hospitals to select management strategies to clarify the direction in which they should proceed. However, research on Japanese hospitals’ management strategies has only recently begun with too few studies in this area. Hence, this study clarified the management strategies of Japanese private hospitals and explored the hospital characteristics that affected strategy selection.

A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 5682 private medical institutions operated by medical corporations throughout Japan in March 2013, and 459 responses with no missing data were used for analysis. Factor analysis yielded four factors: “bed conversion and downsizing (Factor 1),” “diversification of medical and nursing care (Factor 2),” “expansion in business scale (Factor 3),” and “expansion of income from non-insured medical care (Factor 4)”. Logistic regression analysis revealed that Year Founded (before 1965), Hospital Location (municipalities with populations smaller than 100,000), Hospital Type (psychiatric hospitals and mixed-care hospital), and Hospital Income and Expenditure (deficit) had significant positive impacts on the choice of Factor 1. For Factor 2, Hospital Type (sanatorium ward and mixed-care hospitals) and Hospital Income and Expenditure (constant surplus) had positive impacts. For Factor 3, Hospital Type (general hospital) and Bed Counts (more than 200) had positive impacts. For Factor 4, Hospital Type (general hospital) had positive impacts.

In summary, older hospitals, hospitals in rural areas, psychiatric hospitals, mixed-care hospitals, and hospitals with deficits tended to choose bed conversion and downsizing. Sanatorium ward hospitals, mixed-care hospitals, and hospitals with a constant surplus tended to choose diversification of medical and nursing care. General hospitals and large hospitals tended to choose expansion in scale, and general hospitals tended to choose expansion into non-insured medical care. So the planning of mid- to long-term management strategies suitable for each hospital and their steady execution are required.

Article by Yuji Mitadera, et al, from Japan.

Full access: http://mrw.so/2KeX24

Image by HDR, from Flickr-cc.



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