
Remarks on the Complexity of Signed k-Domination on Graphs

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Chuan-Min Lee1, Cheng-Chien Lo1, Rui-Xin Ye2, Xun Xu2, Xiao-Han Shi2, Jia-Ying Li2

1Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, Ming Chuan University, The First American University in Asia, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei.
2Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China.

This paper is motivated by the concept of the signed k-domination problem and dedicated to the complexity of the problem on graphs. For any fixed nonnegative integer k, we show that the signed k-domination problem is NP-complete for doubly chordal graphs. For strongly chordal graphs and distance-hereditary graphs, we show that the signed k-domination problem can be solved in polynomial time. We also show that the problem is linear-time solvable for trees, interval graphs, and chordal comparability graphs.

Graph Algorithm, Signed k-Domination, Strongly Chordal Graph, Tree, Fixed Parameter Tractable

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Lee, C. , Lo, C. , Ye, R. , Xu, X. , Shi, X. and Li, J. (2015) Remarks on the Complexity of Signed k-Domination on Graphs. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 3, 32-37. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2015.31005.

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