
Ranking the Satisfaction of Housing in Rural Settlements around Tehran Metropolitan, Iran

One of the basic aspects of human welfare is living in a suitable house which is satisfying and is in harmony with the conditions of natural environment, society, culture, economy and the functional situation of the rural settlements. So, lack of attention to this condition, demand and techniques of rural residents in the policy making, planning house development in the process of rural development, will lead to challenges and formation of negative conceptions and reducing the satisfactory level of the rural residents from housing category. In order to recognize satisfaction level from housing condition, the present study intended to rank rural focuses on rural settlements around Tehran metropolitan based on their residents’ satisfaction rate of the house by using VIKOR multi-criteria decision-making model.

The research methodology was descriptive-analytic on 400 families as random samples versus the size of the households in 40 random sample villages from the total desert territory villages in Tehran. The present study evaluated the components of rural residents’ satisfaction from housing based on 6 indexes of hygienic, economic, installation and house internal components, physical, welfare, safety which were evaluated in the format of 23 items. Within the process of the present study after calculating the relative degree importance of each index was evaluated.

The results of the study showed that Talebabad Village as one of the villages of this territory owned the highest satisfaction level referred to: R = 0.822, S = 0.046, Q = 0.022 and Mahmoudabad Village owned the lowest satisfaction level in the desert territory based on the indexes referred to: R = 0.585, S = 0.045, Q = 0.476. And following actions based on the findings and results are recommended to improve villages: 1) Special and expert outlook of planners and politicians to promote rural housing; 2) Providing general housing plans for developing the quality of rural housing with priority of low rank villages; 3) Increasing supervision from responsible institutions for constructions in rural housing; 4) Paying attention to modern patterns of rural housing according to its different functions and not only housing pattern which is copied from cities; 5) Quality and quantity development of all types of settlements and access to facilities; 6) Keeping in mind the appropriate facilities for better construction and renewing rural housing; 7) Using designing patterns which is appropriate for rural housing together with applying modern technology for construction.

Article by Naser Shafiei Sabet and Neginsadat Mirvahedi, from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

Full access: http://mrw.so/3UhN0b
Image by Eric Allix Rogers, from Flickr-cc.



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