
Nanobiotechnology in the Management of Glaucoma

 Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.
                                                               ---- Helen Keller
      The above sentences can be read by many people and the story of Helen Keller is also known by most of the people. But can it really work to encourage people who really have the same experience, especially those people that lose sight or hearing after growing up? The absolutely positive or negative answer cannot be given, but the preventive method of losing sight or hearing can be offered by all kinds of researches.
     The research introduced here is about the preventive method of losing sight. It introduces the management of glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the three most severe eye diseases that can cause the blindness when it’s not treated correctly and timely. And the management of glaucoma mainly relies on pharmacological and invasive surgical treatments by reducing the intraocular pressure (IOP). But for the increase of the glaucoma all over the world, the experts and clinicians also expect some new and effective ways can be provided to reduce the risk of glaucoma and the blindness. Then the nanobiotechnology of the management of glaucoma is put forward.
Nanobiotechnology is a combination of nanotechnology and biology, which aims to study the biological phenomena via nanotechnology and can be used in many different research fields. And according to the study, the use of nanobiotechnology is very effective and it offers potential for the delivery of pharmaceutical agents of the glaucoma management.

In a word, for each person, it’s better to pay attention to their own eye health and treat the eye diseases actively when suffering from them. And keep in mind, the sight can hardly be back once lose it.

Article by Pho Nguyen, et al, from USA.

Read more @ http://mrw.so/4mupHb   
Image by Dr. Hitesh K. Patel, from Flickr-cc.



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