
Extraterrestrial life found at a wrong place

Extraterrestrial life found at a wrong place

For thousands of years, humanity has wondered whether there is life outside the Earth. Observations of more than 1000 extrasolar planets indicate that many of them possess physical conditions close to those of Venus, not of Earth. Therefore, the planet Venus, with its dense and hot (460°C), waterless, oxygen-free atmosphere of CO2, having a high pressure of 9.2 MPa at the surface has been investigated as a natural laboratory for this kinds, using archive VENERA mission TV-data obtained 32 years ago. A result is surprising: Most likely, the question on the existence of extraterrestrial life will be answered not as a result of its search for in other worlds removed by distances of dozens of parsecs but on the surface of Venus, i.e., of the nearest planet of the Solar system.
In Leonid Ksanfomality’ research reviews published in “Possible Signs of Life on the Planet Venus” (by Scientific Research PublishingInternational Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2013, 3, 57-79), 8 issues of <Transactions of the Russian Academy of Scienses> (vol. 57-58, 2012-2013) and many other scientific editions,strange entities were presented that were found in VenusTV images returned from the surface of the planet Venus by the VENERA landers, 32 years ago. Leonid Ksanfomality from Department of Physics of Planets of the Moscow Space Research institute re-processed the VENERA TV images using modern processing techniques that makes images distinct and clear. The results of the Soviet Venera missions are the only existing observations of Venus’ surface. The VENERA TV-imaging method used 32 years ago is the same that is used nowadays for a search of hypothetical martian life. The VENERA TV experiments were of extreme technical complexity. Over the years, they have not been repeated by any Russian or other space agencies.
Panoramic view of the Venus’ surface at the landing site of the VENERA-14 lander
There are entities that one can consider to be signs of hypothetical life on Venus, regardless of how crazy this assumption sounds. The pictures revealed a dozen previously undetected strange objects that can attest to the fact that Venus does possess both flora and fauna life. A plant with burgeon on its top (photo) was placed close to the VENERA-14 lander. The stem is 40 cm tall.



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