
Validation and Gender-Based Comparison of the Eating Behavior Scale for Japanese Young Adults

Obesity and underweight can cause a number of health problems. And both obesity and underweight are associated with lifestyle, such as eating and exercise habits. Eating habits are related to the intake of energy and nutrients, and exercise habits are related to the consumption of energy and nutrients.

In fact, young adulthood is a time when eating behaviors can become disturbed. In general, women want to lose weight, and men want to gain weight in the form of muscle. Therefore, a convenient tool to assess characteristics of eating behavior in young adulthood is needed in order to promote a healthy diet. The purposes of this study were to develop an eating behavior scale (EBS) for Japanese young adults and to compare eating behaviors between men and women.

The participants of this study were 794 Japanese undergraduate students (404 men, and 390 women) aged under 30 years old, who belonged to the faculties of medicine, health sciences, social welfare, education, or the medical vocational college in Sapporo and suburbs of Japan. They were recruited in the classroom and were asked to submit the completed EBS questionnaire if they agreed to participate. The EBS was modified from a questionnaire directed at high school students by Tayama and colleagues. The factor structure of the EBS was examined using factor analysis with a principal factor method. The authors assessed the validity of the EBS and compared factors between men and women.

Three subscales were extracted from the EBS: “Extrinsic eating” (e.g., eating when others eat or when feeling irritated), “Eating quickly” (e.g., eating quickly or not chewing food well), and “Strong taste” (e.g., liking strong-tasting or greasy food). Overall EBS score and “Extrinsic eating” were higher, and “Strong taste” was lower, in women than that in men. The findings indicate that the EBS is suitable as a simple tool to assess properties of eating behavior of healthy Japanese young adults.

Article by Masami Horiguchi, et al, from Japan.

Full access: http://mrw.so/4FE5Zc



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