
Italian Psychometric Validation of the Multidimensional Students’ Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile Scale

Health and well-being are commonly needed to achieve a sufficient or satisfactory level of existence, and they are essential concepts for health promotion. Furthermore, health has been defined as a positive dynamic process and not merely an extension of illness-avoidance behavior.

A health-promoting lifestyle is a multidimensional pattern of self-initiated actions and perceptions that serve to maintain or enhance an individual’s level of wellness, self-actualization, and fulfillment. Practicing daily health-promoting lifestyle behaviors is an important component of maintaining and improving health.

The present study examined the factorial structure and assesses the psychometric properties of the adapted multidimensional Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) Scale, considering a sample of Italian university students who participated to an online survey. The study was conducted in the middle of the 2015-2016 academic year (around 75 days) to avoid seasonal holidays and stressful periods that are usually concentrated at the beginning of the semester (because of the novelty of the challenge of college) and the end of the semester (because of examinations). In this period, 642 students responded to the request to participate to the survey, of which 517 (80.53%) answered almost all required information in the online questionnaire.

Internal consistency was assessed for the entire instrument as well as for each subscale. The HPLP-II Scale showed a high overall internal consistency: the Cronbach’s α coefficient for the total 52-item scale was 0.90. Four of the six subscales were associated with good values of the Cronbach’s α coefficient, whereas two subscales had lower values. Hence corrected item-total correlation was calculated and 26 items that decreased the scale’s reliability were deleted. The remaining 26 items were first subjected to Principal Component Analysis that suggested a conceptually meaningful five-factor model. This result was further supported by the first-order confirmatory factor analysis, in which all the factor loadings were statistically significant.

In conclusion, the results indicate that the HPLP-II Scale seems to be a valuable tool for studying representations of the promotion of well-being and lifestyle, and its Italian version could be applied to the Italian population as a tool to evaluate a health-promoting lifestyle.

Article by Giulia Savarese, et al, from Italy.

Full access: http://mrw.so/4y820H



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