
Diabetes and Its Treatment Quality in Benin (West Africa)

Diabetes is a seriously chronic disease which occurs with the pancreas failure to produce enough insulin (hormone regulating blood sugar content, or glucose), or when the body fails to use insulin properly that it produces. It has been a major public health problem in low and middle-income countries. Some studies have shown that the implementation of simple lifestyle and adoption of obesity control interventions, healthy and balanced diet, and regular physical activity may significantly reduce the magnitude of this chronic disease. In this study, the authors estimated prevalence and factors associated with hyperglycemia in Benin, and 2) assessed the treatment quality of diabetes. 

A cross-sectional research was conducted with two components. The First component has included 4954 subjects aged (18 - 69) randomly selected in Mono/Couffo and Donga regions. Data were collected according to WHO’s STEPS approach. Capillary blood glucose was measured using the automat Cardiocheck® PA. The Second component considered Public Health Centers (PHCs) within the study regions. Health system established for diabetes control, healthcare practices and the level of involvement of the Public Healthcare Providers and community actors in the management of diabetes have been explored. 

A total of 4775 subjects participated in the first component with a predominance of women (56.8%), rural residence and aged (<45 years). Prevalence of hyperglycemia was 9.2%. Age ≥ 30 years, Fon ethnic groups and related, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables were positively associated with hyperglycemia. The second component has underscored a mismatch of facilities, processes and quality healthcare. 

In conclusion, hperglycemia prevalence is high and continues to escalate in Mono, Couffo and Donga regions. It increases along age line and is associated with ethnicity, inadequate fruits and vegetables consumption, obesity and hypercholesterolemia. The currently provided treatment by the system is not adequate. There is also a low awareness and lack of involvement of the population who are not equipped to take charge and participate fully in the organization of a formal system of early detection of diabetes. It is therefore essential to rethink the response in order to strengthen the local health system with a view to effectively tackling diabetes.

Article by Mohamed Lamine Dramé, et al, from Portugal, Benin and Germany.

Full access: http://mrw.so/4qCrWe



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