
Determinants of Sexual Awareness among High School Students in Tokyo, Japan

Adolescent sexual behavior, in comparison to adults, is known to become high risk in future health issues such as infertility as consequence of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In this study, the authors aimed to clarify the relationship between cognitive social capital and sexual awareness in high school students in Tokyo, Japan.

The authors administered our survey to 1073 high school junior students in six high schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area using the Japanese language version of the self-administered questionnaire (collection rate 94.5%). Excluding invalid responses without age and gender specified, analysis subjects were 518 boys, 493 girls, total 1011 students (94.2%). True/false questions on timing to wear condom for sex knowledge, acceptability to sexual behavior of high school students for sexual awareness, sense of community belonging for social capital, existence of sexually experienced peers, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale score (binarized with the mean value) were verified. Multiple logistic regression analysis assigning sexual awareness for dependent variable and sex knowledge, sexually experienced peers and Self-Esteem score for independent variable [model 1], including social capital for independent variable [model 2], was performed. The study was approved by Ethical Review Board of sub-organ. 

Out of subjects, 52.6% answered correctly questions on sex knowledge, 33.2% showed tolerance to sexual behavior of high school students, 68.6% had many peers with sex experience, and 75.9% had a sense of community belonging. In model 1, in both genders, having sex knowledge, high Self-Esteem score, and existence of sexually experienced peers was associated with a sense of intolerance to sexual behavior of high school students. In model 2, in both genders, having a sense of community belonging was associated with a sense of intolerance to sexual behavior of high school students [OR (95% CI): boy 1.11 (0.81 - 1.53), girl 1.14 (0.72 - 1.79)]. Persons with high cognitive social capital were likely to have a cautious sense toward sexual behavior.

In conclusion, cognitive social capital was found to be associated with sexual awareness. Thus, this suggests that the concept of cognitive social capital should be emphasized in promoting adolescent reproductive health. Formulating measures to enhance cognitive social capital are needed for the future.

Article by Kaori Watanabe, et al, from Japan.

Full access: http://mrw.so/529C0A



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