
Critical Literature Review of the Homeopathic Compound Traumeel for Treatment of Inflammation

Inflammation is the physiological and pathological response to cell injury, which results in the recruitment of leukocytes and plasma proteins to affected tissue and activation of tissue-resident macrophages causing para-inflammation. If the process becomes unregulated, the inflammatory response that normally destroys and eliminates pathogens is also capable of injuring normal tissues. First line management of an unregulated inflammatory response is to limit excessive inflammation.

Traumeel is a compound that is utilized by a wide variety of healthcare practitioners to treat inflammatory states. It is composed of various natural plant and mineral extracts, which target the inflammatory pathways following soft-tissue injury. It is utilized extensively in Germany for multiple inflammatory conditions.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are a drug class that reduce pain, decrease fever, prevent blood clots and, in higher doses, decrease inflammation. Although highly effective, these medications have side effects that limit both their short and long term use in many patients. However, Traumeel does not have the severe side effect profile of NSAIDs and corticosteroids.

The purpose of this document was to review and critique publications written about Traumeel and Traumeel S, a proprietary formulation. Furthermore, this review would determine if the literature supported substituting Traumeel for NSAIDs and corticosteroids or if adding Traumeel to NSAID and corticosteroid treatment protocols benefited patients with inflammation.

Many of the articles reviewed demonstrate that Traumeel can decrease the incidence or severity of certain disease states that are associated with inflammation. And Traumeel has been shown to be of benefit in the treatment of certain musculoskeletal injuries when compared to glucocorticoids and NSAIDs.

In conclusion, the literature supports Traumeel as an effective alternative to NSAIDS and corticosteroids in preventing stomatitis for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Traumeel also provides pain-free outcomes following musculoskeletal and tissue injuries. However, further investigations of Traumeel are warranted to identify mechanism of action, best route of administration, and most effective treatment regimen.

Article by Dennis Grech, et al, from USA.

Full access: http://mrw.so/5aiTRH

Image by Felipe Contreras Fernandez, from Flickr-cc.



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