
Characterization and Deer-Repellent Property of Chrysophanol and Emodin from Sicklepod Weed

In North America, among the wildlife species, deer, particularly white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), damage row crops such as soybean (Glycine max L.) and are a perceived problem. Currently, the widely used technique to control deer from crop browsing is establishment of fences and application of repellents. In general, fencing is expensive, labor intensive, and most of the time ineffective and effectiveness of repellents depends on numerous factors, such as rainfall, which may dissolve repellents thus requiring reapplication.

Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia L.) is among the ten most troublesome weeds in the southern US. Studies have shown that sicklepod, Senna obtusifolia (L.), contains anthraquinone derivatives, which in separate studies were shown to be toxic to cattle, rats, rabbits, and horses, and repel herbivores primarily birds. However, information of the deer-repelling property of anthraquinone in sicklepod is lacking.

In this study, the authors aimed to explore the deer-repelling potential of sicklepod extracts and characterize the deer-repelling compounds present in sicklepod plant parts. Field tests conducted at the Captive Deer Facility at Mississippi State University (MSU) confirmed the deer-repelling property of anthraquinone extracts from sicklepod. Soybean plants applied with control treatment (water) were browsed by deer, while plants applied with sicklepod anthraquinone extracts were avoided. Using chromatography techniques, the authors found the levels of anthraquinone derivatives (chrysophanol, emodin) in sicklepod plant parts in the order: root > fruit > stem/leaf. Hydrolysis of water extracts of sicklepod seed produced high emodin concentration, suggesting emodin glycoside as the main form of anthraquinone glycoside in sicklepod seed.

In conclusion, deer-repelling compounds can be extracted in its pure form from sicklepod and applied on soybean to increase its repelling efficacy on deer, and at the same time protect soybean yields. Also, the current work forms a basis to further apply the sicklepod deer-repelling property (anthraquinone derivatives as effective components) to protect soybean plants from injury and consequent yield reduction arising from deer grazing.

Article by Ziming Yue, et al, from Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA.

Full access: http://mrw.so/2oyF5R
Image by James Wilson, from Flickr-cc.



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