Kidney transplantation is the gold standard in treatment of patients
with terminal kidney failure. To prevent rejection of an allogenic donor organ,
it is necessary to suppress the patient’s immune system. The cyclical peptide
cyclosporine A (CsA) has been used as an immunosuppressive drug and the
macrolide lactone tacrolimus (Tac) has been used in transplantation medicine.
For determination of cyclosporine A (CsA) and tacrolimus (Tac) in
dried blood spots (DBS) could enable drug monitoring in transplanted patients
without the necessity of having to take venous blood samples, the authors developed
a method for quantitative determination of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) by
liquid-chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS). And in a study with 68
kidney transplant recipients (KTR, 34 CsA, 34 Tac), the authors tested the
clinical application of LCMS monitoring in DBS in comparison to LCMS in whole
The results showed that the measuring range was proven for 27.33 to
1345 ng/ml for CsA and for 1.63 to 39.7 ng/ml for Tac. The requirements for
clinical chemical analyses for precision and accuracy were complied with.
Stability was documented for a period of 14 days. The study showed the
following deviations from LCMS in whole blood for determination of CsA and Tac
in DBS after introducing a correction factor by the haematocrit (Hct) value
(CsA trough level: mean = 4.7%, ±1.96 standard deviation (SD) -52.1% to 61.4%, N =
96; CsA peak level: mean = 7.3%, ±1.96 SD -39.7% to 54.4%, N =
95; Tac trough level: mean = -0.5%, ±1.96 SD -76.4% to 75.3%, N =
88; Tac peak level: mean = 3.9%, ±1.96 SD -80.1% to 88.7%, N =
In conclusion, the obtained data showed comparable results with the
reference method by means of LCMS in whole blood. Therefore, DBS of KTR for
determination of CNI levels could be transported on filter cards by mail to the
respective laboratory resistant to breakage and the hazard of infection.
by Lars Wilhelm, et al, from Germany.
by melissa.a.metz, from Flickr-cc.