
A Case Study of Evaluation and Distribution of Tourism Climate by Using TCI: Baluchestan Region of Iran

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest developing industries through the world which plays an important role in socio-economic life of the people. It not only promotes national economics and exchange revenues but also is a clean industry which can produce many career opportunities especially in developing countries. However, weather and climate are critical factors which can directly affect tourist arrivals and travelling destination.

In this paper, a study was conducted to evaluate the tourist’s comfort conditions of Baluchestan region by using Tourism Climate Index (TCI), which is an index used for evaluating tourist’s comfortable conditions.

Climate parameters data, including the mean maximum air temperature, the mean minimum relative humidity, the mean air temperature and the mean relative humidity, amount of precipitation, daily sunshine duration and mean wind speed, were collected from 5 synoptic stations (Khash, Saravan, Nikshahr, Iranshahr and Chabahar) located in Baluchestan region of Iran between January 1995 and December 2015. Monthly TCI for each station was calculated and geographical distribution maps were prepared by using GIS software.

In winter, Baluchestan had very good to ideal TCI. January and February were the best months for travelling to Chabahar based on TCI. Marginal to ideal TCI was observed in spring, except for Chabahar which had excellent TCI due to monsoon wind. In summer, elevation played an important role for determination of TCI and acceptable TCI was achieved. By decreasing temperature in autumn, better tourism conditions and ideal TCI were observed. Nikshahr and Iranshahr had ideal TCI in March, however, ideal TCI was observed in April, October and November for Khash and Saravan.

It can be concluded that winter seems to be the best season for travelling to Baluchestan region as TCI ranged from very good to ideal except for Khash. Elevation has the important effect on tourism climate condition and higher elevated counties (Khash and Saravan) have different tourism season compared to other counties (Nikshahr and Iranshahr).

Article by Chakavak Khajeh Amiri Khaledi, from Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran.

Full access: http://mrw.so/3Y5zav

Image by Himanshu Goel, from Flickr-cc.



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