
Protective Effect of Taurine on I/R-Induced Gut Injury

Taurine (TAU), an organic compound that is widely distributed in animal tissues, is a powerful antioxidant and regulator of intracellular calcium. It has many fundamental biological roles, such as conjugation of bile acids, antioxidation, osmoregulation, membrane stabilization, and modulation of calcium signaling.

Gut permeability and microvascular injury following ischaemia/reperfusion (IR) have been implicated in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and multiple organ failure (MOF). Several studies have showed that treatment with TAU protects cerebral, cardiac and testicular tissue from (IR) injury. In this study, the authors also investigated the protective effect of taurine (TAU) in an experimental model of I/R-induced gut injury in rats. 

Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into three groups: Control, I/R, TAU + I/R. TAU was given by gavage or intravenous injection before I/R. Ischaemia was induced by cross-clamping superior mesenteric and coeliac vascular pedicle for 20 -30 min, followed by 60 - 180 min reperfusion. Gut permeability, blood flux, tissue oedema, leucocytes infiltration and eNOS expression were measured at 3 hrs following reperfusion using FD4. Leukocyte-endothelial interactions were determined by intra-vital microscopy during I/R. In vitro studies assessed the protective effect of TAU on endothelial cell function and survival. 

The results indicated that treatment with TAU significantly attenuated IR-induced gut hyper permeability, tissue oedema, leukocyte adhesion and infiltration. TAU also prevented the reduction in gut blood flow, leukocyte rolling velocity and eNOS expression induced by IR. TAU protects against I/R-induced endothelial cell injury by reduced anti-oxidant activity and modulation of eNOS expression and intracellular calcium fluxes.  Also, TAU protects the gut from intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by surgical I/R.

In conclusion, taurine in clinically relevant doses effectively inhibits intestinal hyperpermeability and tissue edema and maintains normal microvascular function, following I/R of the coeliac and superior mesenteric vascular pedicle in rodents. Taurine can protect the gut barrier function during surgery and warrants further investigation as a peri-operative intervention, which can help to maintain gut barrier integrity and improve outcomes for patients undergoing surgery.

Article by Hong Chen, et al, from Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

Full access: http://mrw.so/ApjKh  
Image by dnappen, from Flickr-cc.



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