
Global Optimization of a Semiconductor IC Supply Chain Network

Supply chain management (SCM) is defined as a set of approaches used to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores so that products are produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time, in order to minimize overall costs while meeting service level requirements. SCM also pertains to the set of actions and decisions that attempt to synchronize demand and supply with in-process inventories, in order to ensure on-time delivery of product commitments to customers, and optimize the overall manufacturing operations from start to end.

In this paper we develop a framework for the key components of the supply chain of the semiconductor manufacturing process, including front-end (fab) operations and backend (assembly/test) operations. Within this framework we consider the conversion from wafers to units. Then we propose a QP formulation for the profit maximizing objective function with flexible demand ranges per product and fab capacities. We demonstrate the model by applying it to a case study that is based on an industry dataset and show how the solution varies between a local optimization of a single fab (for minimum wafer cost) and a globally optimal solution for the network.

Our model extends on previous work in several respects; most notable is the consideration of varying ASP’s of any product by customer, to reflect segmentation in pricing for differences in quantities sold. Other extensions pertain to the flexibility in setting the demand for each product, and in setting capacity across the product mix such that each fab has a capacity range rather than a fixed number.

On top of these extensions, there are still opportunities for further work. One that immediately comes to mind is the consideration of a different objective function to compare with the proposed quadratic objective function. Other directions include the incorporation of stock points within the supply chain, as they are used in practice to mitigate changes in the demand, and the explicit consideration of sub-problems of the SC problem within the model framework, for example the capacity planning problem for each of the fabs and/or the AT sites.

Article by Adar A. Kalir,et al,from 1 Intel Qiriat-Gat and Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel

Full access: http://mrw.so/3vdPyG
Image by Fisherss Zhang,from Flickr-cc



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