
Emotional Intelligence and Ethics on Organizations

Emotional intelligence (EI) usually refers to not only the ability to express and control one’s own emotions, but also the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. It is a concept that becomes popular from 1995 by psychologist and behavioral science journalist Dr. Daniel Goleman in his first book, Emotional Intelligence, and has been studied by experts from different aspects and in different fields. It

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. Through some literature research, it has been shown that EI and Ethics are determinant on rationalized and emotional integration of human behavior, and inherently in society and in organizational world and are also important in the attenuation of dramatic and unbalanced wills that tend to persist.

In this paper, the authors aimed to explore the role of Emotional Intelligence on Individual Ethics, Perceptions of Other’s Ethics and Ethics Perception in Facilitating Success. They first did a literature review about ethics and emotional intelligence. Then they used the questionnaires to collect data from a group of 6371 exporting companies and/or with interest in exporting of the Agency for Investment and External Commerce of Portugal (AICEP) database, and 625 answers were obtained, with a total of 404 valid responses for analysis. The questionnaire was divided into eight parts and was analyzed by exploratory factorial analysis. Besides, eight hypotheses were presented and the related results were analyzed.

The findings indicated that Emotional Intelligence predicted perceptions of the role of Ethics in Success. The role of Emotional Intelligence was attested as a predictor in Individual Ethics and the predictor role of these two in Perceptions of Other’s Ethics. Emotional Intelligence was significantly correlated with Self-Esteem, Social Desirability, Individual Ethics and Perceptions of Other’s Ethics.

And it is recommended that the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership practice can be considered as a subject in future studies.

Article by Ângelo Miguel Rodrigues Cabral and Fernando Manuel Pereira de Oliveira Carvalho, from University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.

Read more @ http://mrw.so/d37vD     
Image by Abhijit Bhaduri, from Flickr-cc.



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