
Cervical Cancer in Women with Inflammatory Pap Smears

Cervical cancer, a type of cancer that develops in a woman’s cervix, is one of the most common malignancy in women and remains a leading cause of cancer-related death for women worldwide, especially in developing countries. It is usually caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV) and the virus spreads through sexual contact. Due to cervical cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages, it is important and necessary to use screening for cervical cancer to help detect early cases and save thousands of lives.

In fact, nowadays, cervical cancer is highly preventable in most Western countries because screening tests and a vaccine to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are available. And it can be one of the most successfully treatable cancers if detected early. And Pap smear is one of the screening tests.

In this paper, the authors conducted a prospective study on the cyto-colpohistological comparison of inflammatory Pap smear screening tests performed in patients in Tunisia. 60 inflammatory smears were collected and all patients had a colposcopy and the sensitivity of Pap smear in screening for cervical cancer was evaluated. Blood samples were collected from patients and GST-capture ELISA test was performed. The authors also conducted the cytology examination of the Pap smears and its resulted showed that 60 samples were inflammatory. And some tables were listed to show histologic data for the biopsies tested, distribution of cases upon the analysis of histology of biopsies and seropositivity against HPV-16 and HPV-18 antigens.

The findings indicated that six patients (10%) showed a positive reactivity to at least one of the HPV-16 or HPV-18 antigens and sera showed different reactivity to the different antigens respectively. And serology was not in itself a diagnostic method but must be kept in consideration for monitoring patients with a cervical smear inflammatory and most of them were detected in anti-HPV antibodies.

In conclusion, the Pap smear, examination of key screening for cervical cancer, was a screening test without diagnostic value and more specifically any inflammatory Pap smear should be considered as a positive test and led to further investigations.

Article by Alfred Chioza and Shoji Ohga, from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

Full access: http://mrw.so/RrSWX
Image by Hannah Sue Gray, from Flickr-cc.



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