
School Bullying ≠ School Violence

School bullying, a very prevalent and serious issue, not only has bad effect on the school safety and management, but also causes the physical and mental injury of the students. And it is always misunderstood as the school violence, which happens so frequently in nowadays’ world and includes school shooting, school bullying, gangs, and any other things that make students and teachers feel threaten.

In fact, school bullying is not the school violence. It is only one of the forms of school violence, and to some extent, is also one of the causes of the school violence. And there are different types of school bullying, such as physical bullying, verbal bullying, cyberbullying, sexual bullying and so on. And the bullying doesn’t only happen in the classrooms and schools, it also happens out of school.

So how can we prevent the school bullying? What can we do to reduce the occurrence of the school bullying, and then stop the school violence?

Usually, the researchers analyze the statistics of school bullying from two aspects: victims and bullies. They use different methods and models to discuss the causes, the results and the solutions of school bullying. For example, a study made by the researcher from Taiwan shows the causes of the victims of campus bullying and some solutions for this problem are proposed. The researcher uses interview, semi-structured interview outline, sampling method and so on to collect related data. And the detailed research findings of some examples are presented by analyzing the victims’ parent-child relationship, teacher-student relationship, the style of bullying and so forth. And the final result shows that the prevention of school bullying should be done via the cooperation of students, teachers and school administrators.

In a word, school bullying is not the school violence, while it also threatens the development of students, teachers and schools, and each part of the school should do their best to prevent it and most importantly, everyone of the school should realize that prevention of school bullying couldn’t be done at one move, it would be a lifelong thing.  

Article by Shao-I Chiu, from Taiwan.

Full access: http://mrw.so/36LOs3

Image by Kher, from Flickr-cc.



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