
Sociodemographic Factors and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents under Cancer Treatment

The survival rate of children and adolescents with cancer has increased because of the early detention and the innovation in the existing treatments. . However, it has not been possible to eliminate symptoms occasioned by the disease or its treatment, which are physical, psychological and social, which affects directly in the quality of life. Quality of life (QOL) is a subjective concept defined as the feeling of socioemotional and physical wellbeing, including the ability to participate in everyday activities according to age. As the World Health Organization suggested, it is important to evaluate the QOF in children and adolescents with cancer, in order to be able to intervene opportunely in areas affected by a cancer diagnosis. This research aims to determine the association between quality of life and sociodemographic variables in children and adolescents with cancer and their families. It provides scientific evidence about the necessity to develop personalized and opportune socioemotional interventions for the pediatric oncology services.

Age, gender and school level are variables related to QOL in children and adolescents with cancer. Our findings suggest that the male and older patients tend to have lower QOL. School dimension scored lower in QOL evaluation, being one of the most affected areas after the cancer diagnosis for our patients’ sample. Agreeing with the existing scientific evidence, we found differences in the QOL evaluations performed by patients and their parents, reflecting differences in the perception of the conditions faced by the participants. Even when the QOL evaluations performed by parents or guardians provide important information, they do not reflect directly the patients’ QOL perceptions, so, it should not be substitute.

Patients require a multidisciplinary attention that does not only focus in the physical symptoms that children and adolescents with cancer have, but also attends the socioemotional alterations presented according to age, gender and school level. The QOL measurements can orient us about the areas than can be more affected in each group, and plan interventions specific for the individual and family needs. Despite the parents or guarding evaluation of children QOL provide useful information, it does not reflect the QOL perceived by the patients, so, it should not be substituted by them.

Article by Leivy Patricia González-Ramírez and Ricardo Gómez-Martínez, et al, from University of Guadalajara and Mexican Social Security Institute, Mexico.

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Photo by Staff Sgt. Nathan Bevier, from Flickr-cc.



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