
Education Policy Implementation: A Mechanism for Enhancing Primary Education Development in Zanzibar

Education is one of the fundamental rights of individuals; therefore, the government of a country needs to develop and strengthen educational policy and quality as well as to ensure that everyone has equal access to basic education. The improvement of access and quality of education in the world is becoming as an essential factor in development, whereas the basic education (primary school), is acknowledged as a foundation of the higher educational development for every country. To fulfill this goal, governments introduce several policies and procedures; however, it requires some reforms and participation from the politician, policymakers, and other stakeholders to re-examine educational policy so that it can lead to multiplication and betterment of the reforms. Educational reforms actually focus on accountability. A positive educational development and reform is very challenging and needs more effort and strategy on how to use and utilize the resources effectively as such it can achieve the educational goals. Inevitably, to formulate the education policy faces many policy challenges, including inter alia, significant budgetary constraints, intermingling of other public institutions on its implementation, limited capacity to provide excellent quality services.
It does not matter how hard it is; the government has to overcome these challenges in order to achieve its educational and development goals, like overcrowding in classes which affects the delivery of quality education in the classroom. The low rate of teacher inspection (almost once in three years) hence has led some teachers to be less careful in their work. Also, there is the shortage of mathematics and science teachers because many of them have an arts background. Furthermore, there is the scarcity of learning materials for children with special needs. The existence of double shift (morning and afternoon) results in having less teaching and learning time. School-based inspections by the head teachers are not done as directed by the Ministry. Owing to the absence of residential quarters for teachers in many schools, teachers have to travel a long distance to school. As a consequence, they tend to reach late and be tired and this reduces teacher-pupils contact hours. The present study assesses the implementation of the education policy for primary education in Zanzibar so as to enhance the quality of education as well as to ensure that every child has access to education. Therefore, this study aimed to improve access to education at the primary level by assessing gender, age, and geographical distributions to the enrolment for primary education in Zanzibar from 2012-2016. The results of the study will contribute to the resolutions of the current challenges of policy as well as provide some mechanisms for a better implementation of the policy for primary education in Zanzibar.
Ministry of Education and vocational Training (MoEVT) in Zanzibar has the statutory power to make sure that education policy is implemented and accomplished in accordance with the timeframe. In order to implement Zanzibar Education Policy, the MoEVT provided Zanzibar Education Development Programme (ZEDP) in 2008 with some specific goals and objectives and drew up plans of action for the 8-year period of policy. The implementation of the education policy showed a positive change and success from 2012-2016. It was noticed that the number of enrolment increased rapidly; however, the enrolment rates were different by genders and from one district to another. Although the dropout rates were still acceptable for Zanzibar, the MoEVT needs pay more intention to some districts where rates of enrolment were still low. The MoEVT also has concentrated on the capacity development of its staff so as to ensure the quality of education for all. In short, the MoEVT has done well to improve access to basic education at primary education.
The study suggested that the MoEVT implement the education policy by paying more attention to gender equity and geographical distributions of the access to basic education of children. The MoEVT also needs to improve the awareness of the communities so as to bring their pupils to enroll at the eligible age. Also, MoEVT should continue to collaborate with other educational institutions and development partners to provide refresher courses to strengthen the capacity of the teachers so that the quality of education can also be ensured. The refresher courses are paramount especially in this time of globalization where different teaching methods are changing time to time. Moreover, inspection is needed from time to time to ensure the quality of education to enhance primary schooling as the foundation of higher education.

Article by Amran Said Suleiman*, Yen Yat, Issah Iddrisu from University of Science and Technology of China, China



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