
A Novel Elementary Particle Theory Based on External Energy Absorbed and Re-Emitted by Atoms

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In this study, all energy in the universe, here called energy quanta, originates from a singularity at the centre of the universe. The electron and the atom are completely passive; they absorb energy quanta by means of forced damped oscillators and the absorbed energy quanta are then re-emitted. Absorbed and stored energy quanta result in nuclear energy. Re-emitted energy quanta are fields. Re-emitted energy quanta operating on oscillators, in adjacent particles and atoms, result in forces: strong force, Coulomb force and gravitational force. Using this model may enable unification of elementary particle physics, general relativity, electromagnetic theory and quantum physics into one comprehensive theory.
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Giertz, H. (2015) A Novel Elementary Particle Theory Based on External Energy Absorbed and Re-Emitted by Atoms. Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 157-167. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2015.62021.

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