
Elucidation of Acceleration Mechanisms by a Photosensitive Onium Salt for Nitroxide-Mediated Photocontrolled/Living Radical Polymerization

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The acceleration mechanisms by a photosensitive onium salt for the nitroxide-mediated photocontrolled/living radical polymerization (photo-NMP) were determined. The photo-NMP of methyl methacrylate was performed by irradiation at room temperature using 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (MTEMPO) as the mediator and (2RS, 2’RS)-azobis(4-methoxy-2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) as the initiator. The polymerization was accelerated in the presence of (4-tertbutylphenyl)diphenylsulfonium triflate (tBuS) to produce a polymer with a molecular weight distribution as narrow as the polymerization in its absence. (±)-Camphor-10-sulfonic acid or 2-fluoro-1-methylpyridinium p-toluenesulfonate had no effect on the polymerization speed, suggesting that tBuS did not serve as the photo-acid generator for the photo-NMP. It was found that the acceleration of the polymerization was based on the electron transfer from MTEMPO into tBuS in the excited state to temporarily generate a free radical propagating chain end and an oxoaminium salt (OAS), the one-electron oxidant of MTEMPO. This electron transfer mechanism was verified on the basis of the fact that the photo-NMP in the presence of tBuS was still accelerated by triphenylamine, the electron transfer inhibitor, to partly produce a polymer with an uncontrolled molecular weight. The formation of an uncontrolled molecular weight polymer indicated the generation of a free radical propagating chain end due to the deactivation of the OAS by the triphenylamine. It was deduced that tBuS served as the electron acceptor from MTEMPO in the excited state to temporarily produce a free radical propagating chain end along with OAS, resulting in the acceleration of the polymerization.
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Yoshida, E. (2014) Elucidation of Acceleration Mechanisms by a Photosensitive Onium Salt for Nitroxide-Mediated Photocontrolled/Living Radical Polymerization. Open Journal of Polymer Chemistry, 4, 47-55. doi: 10.4236/ojpchem.2014.43006

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