
The Opposition and Integration between Civilization and Nature―Analysis of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Eco-Criticism

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Eco-criticism offers a new perspective for us to study Wuthering Heights. In Wuthering Heights, the place of Wuthering Heights and the residents are the representatives of nature, while the place of Thrushcross Grange and the residents are the spokesmen of civilization. The history of the changing relationship between the human beings and the nature is reflected in the relationships of the main characters in Wuthering Heights. Long ago the human beings lived in awe of the nature and admired it and then they exploited the nature excessively. At last they return to respect the nature and form a harmonious relationship between the human beings and the nature under the guidance of the eco-ethic. With the deterioration of the environment, the relationship between the human beings and the nature reflected in Wuthering Heights drives the modern people to think deeply.
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Tang, J. and Liu, Y. (2014) The Opposition and Integration between Civilization and Nature―Analysis of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Eco-Criticism. Advances in Literary Study, 2, 143-146. doi: 10.4236/als.2014.24022

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