
A Genderless World, or Society?

A Genderless World, or Society?

Author(s): Elmas Sahin

Indeed, we are all living in a world or society which is full with gender equality problems. We are aware of inequalities between both sexes almost in all over the world, it is the fact that  Women suffer from social, political, educational, cultural or economic discriminations, in both spheres of life from domestic to public despite of governmental regulations.

Is a genderless world possible ? You can say this is an utopia or impossible, since Adam and Eve, from the first sin today, The world has been divided into two sexes who men are more superior to women. The thing I mean here is genderlessness implies that actually equal opportunities should be offered to men and to women, there be no difference between women and men or girls and boys at home and outside, that is, in domestic and public fields. In order to create a genderless society or gender equity or equality in all societies firstly we have to give importance education, bringing up children without discriminating both sexes, male and female, or teaching them fruit of know- ledge tree, or training boys and girls as equal individuals of societies should be one of the most significant issues.

In Elmas Sahin’s research article from Department of Turkish Language and Literature at Çağ University in Turkey, published in OALib 2014 vol 2, 59-63, by Open Journal of Social Sciences http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jss.2014.21007, she focuses on the importance of gender equity in education system in order to create a better environment for girls under traditional pressures and discusses whether a philosophy of education offering the same opportunities to young women and men, teaching the same things at the same time, in the same place, with the same methods, and under the same system, and also gives some suggestions to us about approaches of philosophies of education, some crucial solutions.

To achieve the genderless society, as a education policy of today, traditional norms and feudal gender roles or taboos even illiterate people thinking female sex is inferior to male one should be overturned, gender discriminations should be broken down, or another words gender inequality should be removed by various activities including congress, symposiums and seminars, radio and TV talks, audio-visual documents as well as strong educational programs formal and informal schools. The fact that education can not only address to men but also have to take women into consideration, education will bring gender equity and provide huge benefits for individuals of society should be told in all platforms.

As a conclusion, opportunities offered to men and women are far from equality, many women are illiterate as results of poverty, discrimination, incomplete schooling, and inadequate education or denied education or early marriages. While girls are kept at home as idle creatures, housekeepers, victims of patriarchy, or servants helping their mothers; boys enjoy fully of privileges offered by traditional norms of society. These typical images of men and women as inheritance of centuries still are among the most important problems of our age not only in undeveloped or developing countries, but also in developed countries. These kinds of approaches causing inequity between sexes produce negative results for societies, gender inequality will go on humiliating women both at home and outside. As everyone knows mostly men make decisions in domestic life and public one, women obey to them. education of women will raise both family and society by creating brilliant children, educating girls will produce lots of additional socio-economic gains to societies and families, and thus feminine sex will walk side by side with masculine sex in genderless world.



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